JANUARY 2022 Update
Karantina dengan jangka waktu antara 14 atau 10 x 24 jam dari negara/wilayah asal kedatangan selain dari negara yang memenuhi kriteria
Karantina dengan jangka waktu antara 14 atau 10 x 24 jam dari negara/wilayah asal kedatangan selain dari negara yang memenuhi kriteria
- https://setkab.go.id/satgas-terbitkan-edaran-terbaru-mengenai-pintu-masuk-dan-tempat-karantina-bagi-wni-dari-luar-negeri/
- https://kemlu.go.id/singapore/id/read/faq-selama-wabah-covid-19-bagi-wni-dan-wna-yang-akan-ke-indonesia/1047/important-information
- https://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2022/01/02/171949065/terbaru-aturan-karantina-pulang-dari-luar-negeri-jadi-10-14-hari?page=all
- Covid19 Health Center / TESTING Center
- Chicago - Illinois Travel Restrictions
- Chicago Covid Testing Center
- Cook County and Illinois Covid Testing Center
- Johns Hopkins University (World Map and Statistic)
- CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CDC - Travel to and from the United States
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the United States
- WHO World Health Organization
- World COVID-19 Map and Statistics
- COVID-19 vaccine distribution (World map & statistic)
- Covid-19 info in Indonesia
- Imigrasi Indonesia - Travel during Covid
- Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia - Covid
- Travel During COVID-19 (CDC)
- PerduliLindungi Vaksinasi Covid19
- Cek Hasil Test Covid-19 Indonesia
- Hotline KBRI - KJRI
- KBRI Washington DC: +1 202 569 7996
- KJRI Chicago: +1 312 547 9114
- KJRI Houston: +1 346 932 7284
- KJRI Los Angeles: +1 213 590 8095
- KJRI New York: +1 347 806 9279
- KJRI San Francisco: +1 415 875 0793
- Perduli WNI - Lapor Diri - KEMLU
- Apply for a Visa to visit Indonesia